Your garment is one of a kind and made by hand in our studio from an antique or vintage textile.  The textiles we source date as far back at the early 1800s and deserve to be treated with love. We take great care to clean and repair each textile, identifying any patina that may impact the wearability of the garment and mending appropriately.

We love patina and the story it tells.  Hand feel, fading from the sun or wear or laundering, original repairs and patching— all of these properties are what make the textile special to us— their human imprint.  Each textile is thoughtfully chosen and sourced.  We look for more unusual and rare pieces— imperfectly perfect with a history to share.  We pay attention to existing wear and tear and only use textiles that will translate into wearable garments with longevity, making any necessary repairs and reinforcements ourselves.

Our garments are not intended to be precious— they are meant to be worn and loved, though with care and acknowledgement of the age and history of the textile your piece is made from.

Any visible signs of wear are consistent with the age and history of the textile and have been carefully considered and intentionally preserved.

That said, if your garment does have an issue that impedes the wearability, we will happily discuss and repair when necessary.

Wear often, wash rarely.  We highly recommend spot cleaning, and when laundering is a must, hand wash alone in cold water with a delicate detergent and air dry.  In the occasional instance where professional dry cleaning is required, we will let you know.

Questions are welcomed and encouraged— we want you to love your pieces and live in and with them for a long time!